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The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter works to continue the legacy of our Founders through our commitment to public service. [vc_empty_space height="10px"]
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Programs & Services

SFVA Deltas / Programs & Services

Programs & Services

The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter works to continue the legacy of our Founders through our commitment to public service. Our programs are designed to help the community in which we live and work side by side with our neighbors to help improve our community. 

Our programs are designed to parallel our Sorority’s Five-Point Programmatic Thrust and Social Action initiatives. We welcome you to join us in any of our activities.


The Scholarship Committee annually awards scholarships to accomplished local high school students seeking higher education from an accredited four-year university. Scholarship recipients are rewarded for their commitment to scholastic achievement, community service and leadership.
The Scholarship Committee is responsible for informing high school-aged and college-bound ladies of the availability of scholarships within the community. Information of these opportunites and their application process are provided to the high school for these young ladies to apply. 
Applicants are highly encouraged to express personal experiences that have shaped their lives and their future educational and/or career goals.
For over 40 years, The San Fernando Valley Alumnae chapter has awarded amazing scholars with nearly $100,000 in tuition assistance.
The 2025 Scholarship Application Period has commenced. 


Community Service

The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter has been focused on community service for over 40 years.
The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter is supportive of the organizations within our community to assist in feeding the homeless, organizing clothing drives, volunteering at the community shelters, providing adult education, financial literacy, and other charitable fundraisers for notable causes.

Our main areas of focus are homelessness, education of the youth, and social awareness. Some projects and activities we have worked on are:

Financial Literacy
Feeding at the San Fernando Valley Mission
Clothes Drives
Hygiene Packets

African American College Planning Conference (AACPC)

The African American College Planning Conference goal is to empower, educate, and prepare college-bound students in the communities we serve, for a fulfilling and successful college experience.
We know preparing for postsecondary education for the first time can be overwhelming. We have designed the AACPC workshops to serve as a guide to help students and parents navigate through daunting questions such as: 
How to apply to college?
What is Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
What schools are historically black colleges and universities
The Conference will end with an opportunity for students and parents to interact with representatives from various colleges and universities in a one-on-one session, building a sense of comfort in embarking upon this new adventure.

Help Support Our Programs

Delta G.E.M.S.

Delta G.E.M.S. was created to catch the dreams of African-American at-risk, adolescent girls aged 14-18. Delta G.E.M.S provides the framework to actualize those dreams through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude. The goals for Delta G.E.M.S are:
1. To instill the need to excel academically;
2. To provide tools that enable girls to sharpen and enhance their skills to achieve high levels of academic success;
3. To assist girls in proper goal setting and planning for their futures in high school and beyond; and
4. To create compassionate, caring, and community-minded young women by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.
The Delta G.E.M.S program offers a road map for college and career planning through activities that provide opportunities for self-reflection and individual growth. Delta G.E.M.S. participants have the opportunity to define and “Discover their individual Brilliance.”

Social Action

The Social Action Committee works to bring people coming together to help improve the communities in which we serve and to assist in providing information to solve the problems that are important in those communities.
It involves the members of the committee to people give their time and to provide resources for the common good, in a range of forms – from volunteering and community-owned services to community organizing or simple neighborly acts. 

Physical and Mental Health

The Physical and Mental Health committee delivers programs that focus on healthy lifestyle habits that promote both physical and emotional wellness. 
Additionally, the Committee strides to serve the greater community through advocacy/awareness efforts related to physical and mental health. 

Arts & Letters

The National Commission on Arts and Letters was established in 1973 by then National President Lillian Benbow. The mission of the Arts and Letters Committee of the San Fernando Alumnae Chapter is directly aligned with that of the National Commission on Arts and Letters.
We strive to promote a positive image of African Americans and other minorities in our community through the medium of music, dance, drama, and poetry. The committee promotes worthwhile cultural endeavors and artists through activities and events such as Delta Red Carpet/theatre outings, concerts, plays, book clubs, painting, and artists’ showcases.
The major Initiative of the National Commission on Arts and Letters is Project ART: Actively Redefining Together. This initiative was designed as a collective effort to support, nurture, and uplift positive programming while rejecting demeaning and harmful images in all forms of entertainment and media: music, film, radio, television, and print.
Other signature Initiatives of the National Commission on Arts and Letters include:
Delta Red Carpet (films produced and performed by African-Americans featuring positive stories)
Deltas See Television (DSTv) which supports African-American network and cable television shows and movies; Music Ministry (a database of professional musicians)
Delta Authors on Tour (DAOT); and 
Pride in our Heritage.

Economic Development

National economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the basis for the development of Financial Fortitude, the current Economic Development program initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.
The Financial Fortitude initiative is comprised of ten components and provides a collaboration of information from major economic corporations and other well-known financial institutions. The ten components include: Goal Setting, Financial Planning, Budgeting, Debt Management, Savings & Investments, Retirement Planning, Homeownership, Insurance, Estate Planning, and Entrepreneurship.
The initiative helps members of the Sorority spread financial education throughout their local communities.
The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter provides information and facilitates discussion regarding relevant local, state, and national financial topics with its chapter members and the community through workshops and other events.
Check our Events page regularly for the latest resources, seminars, workshops and programs for the community that support Economic Development.

International Awareness & Involvement

The International Awareness and Involvement Committee is dedicated to educate and promote within the community on global issues.
The Committee is dedicated to developing community programs designed to provide assistance, relief and resources to developing countries, while fostering local advocacy for social injustices and helping those in need.
Check our Events Page regularly for the latest activities, seminars, workshops, and programs!