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The San Fernando Valley Alumnae Chapter works to continue the legacy of our Founders through our commitment to public service. [vc_empty_space height="10px"]
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SFVA Deltas / News  / Scholarships
The Scholarship Committee annually awards scholarships to accomplished local high school students seeking higher education from an accredited four-year university. Scholarship recipients are rewarded for their commitment to scholastic achievement, community service and leadership.
The Scholarship Committee is responsible for informing high school-aged and college-bound ladies of the availability of scholarships within the community. Information of these opportunites and their application process are provided to the high school for these young ladies to apply. 
Applicants are highly encouraged to express personal experiences that have shaped their lives and their future educational and/or career goals.
For over 40 years, The San Fernando Valley Alumnae chapter has awarded amazing scholars with nearly $100,000 in tuition assistance.